When travelling to Rottnest Island, please take note of the following emergency contacts should you need assistance during your visit.
Police: 131 444
Rottnest Island Nursing Post: +61 8 9292 5030
Vessel breakdowns or mechanical assistance should be directed to your local Sea Rescue group.
If you notice a fuel or oil spill, immediately contact the Department of Transport on (+61 8) 9480 9924 or by email on marine.pollution@transport.wa.gov.au.
Rottnest Island Visitor Centre: (+61 8) 9372 9730 or (+61 8) 9372 9728 after hours
Rottnest Island Rangers: (+61 8) 9372 9788 or Channel 16 call sign ‘Rottnest Rangers’
Automated external defibrillators (AED) are located in five key areas on the island.
The defibrillators were purchased with the assistance of the Rottnest Island Foundation and a St John Lotterywest Heart Grant.
Please note that in the event of an emergency on the island, dial 000 and follow the prompts. If the incident is a cardiac-related medical emergency, the 000 operator will provide a code to unlock and use the AED.
The AEDs are registered with St John Ambulance WA and their locations are listed on their First Responder mobile app. Everyone who has received first aid training is encouraged to download it to their mobile phone or tablet.
We also encourage everyone to download the Emergency+ app. This app uses the GPS functionality built into smartphones to provide location information including GPS coordinates and street address, which assists in an emergency. For more information visit emergencyapp.triplezero.gov.au.
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